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A roadmap on climate adaptation and mitigation essential for future-ready Jharkhand 

Ranchi, 21 June 2022: The Department of Forest, Environment and Climate Change (DoFECC), Centre for  Environment and Energy Development (CEED) and Social Initiative through Development and Humanitarian  Action (SIDHA) jointly organised a conference, which aimed to bring key stakeholders from the comprehensive  socio-economic and governance system of the state on a common platform to facilitate the urgent need of  building a climate-resilient Jharkhand. Since a robust roadmap and action-plan relies on the state’s prepared  

ness for the climate emergency, this conference deliberated on the current and future risks of climate impacts,  develop strategies for effective adaptation and mitigation measures and further integrate the efforts of policy making and financial institutions for ensuring a sustainable and future-ready Jharkhand.  

Elaborating the broader context of the conference, Mr A.K. Rastogi (IFS), Principal Chief Conservator of Forest  and Chairman, Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board said that, “Climate Change has now become part of  everyday life and its impact transcend the geographical boundaries across the social strata. Therefore, Inte grating climate change adaptation considerations into policy processes and decision-making across a range of  sectors and scales is important for the creation of a forward-looking economy. What is required here is a col laborative and convergent approach in true spirit, so that Jharkhand can mark a niche on inclusivity, prosperity  and sustainability.”  

As per the estimates climate change impacts have the potential to push millions of people back into poverty in  India. One of the critical challenges for a country’s food security is climate change and occurrence of extreme  weather events. It is estimated that climate change can reduce agricultural income by 15-25 percent. Jhark hand also falls under climate sensitive zones, where about 14 districts face climate change vulnerability.  

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Arun Kumar Singh (IAS), Development Commissioner & Additional Chief Secre tary, Department of Health, Medical Education & Family Welfare (Jharkhand) said that, “Climate-resilient path ways include strategies, choices, and initiatives that reduce climate change impacts. Development planning  and adaptation strategies are inter-linked. We have taken formidable measures as per the state climate action  plan and we are committed to create a climate resilient and inclusive Jharkhand.”  

Addressing the conference, Mr Aboobacker Siddique P. (IAS), Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Animal  Husbandry and Co-operative, Jharkhand said that, “The shift to a resilient and low-carbon economy can im mensely boost prosperity, growth trajectory and sustainable development. Climate resilient and sustainable  agriculture practices have the capability to drive economic growth. It is essential for mainstreaming climate  change actions into policies, strategies and programs at the regional and grassroot level.”  

The Paris agreement (2015) and Glasgow Convention (2021) under United Nations Framework Convention on  Climate Change have brought urgent need to adopt a climate resilient economy with zero emission. The Government of India started the National Action Plan on Climate Change in 2008, which architected eight national  climate missions. Similarly, Jharkhand had also prepared a State Action Plan on Climate Change in 2014.  

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Ramapati Kumar, CEO of CEED said that, “A statewide implementation of the  state climate change action plan is possible through highest order of convergence. It can be aided by facilitat ing efficient climate governance, and strong institutional and public participation and co-ordination among dif ferent sectors. Based on the newer goals of Paris agreement and Glasgow Convention review and update of  state climate change action plan is the need of the hour. ”   

In the workshop, the first session situated the discussion on “Climate change and its threats, vulnerability and  adaptation for climate resilient Jharkhand”. The second session focuses on “Adaptation and Mitigation Strate gies for Jharkhand”; and the third session deliberates on “Strengthening Climate Governance, Finance and  Policy in Jharkhand.”  

The conference favoured result oriented initiatives with a cross sectoral reach, regulations on adaptations and  mitigation measures, use of clean technologies, capacity building and research and development. It forged a  consensus that since climate resilience leads towards a growth trajectory with sustainability’s principles, there  is greater need to look at the new investments and financing, skill enhancement, livelihood security, alternative  economic opportunities with augmenting social infrastructure.   

The notable speakers and session chair present in the conference included Mr HS Gupta (Former PCCF,  Wildlife), Mr DK Saxena (CCF-Jharkhand), Mr YK Das (Member Secretary, JSPCB), Prof Kamini Kumar (act ing Vice Chancellor, Ranchi), Mr Ravi Ranjan (IFS), Mr Hemant Kumar (SIDHA), Mr Sanjay Mohan Srivastava  (Tata Steel), Dr Nitin Kulkarni (Institute of Forest Productivity), Mr Somesh Biswas (Tata Steel), Dr KK Sharma  (Indian Institute of Natural Resins & Gums), Mr Bikash Das (ICARRCER), Mr Ranjit Tiberwal ( FICCI), Mr Bi nay Patnayak (Word Bank), Dr Manish Kumar (CEED), Mr Anurag Dixit (Tata Steel Mining), among others.  

The conference witnessed participation from key government departments and agencies (Planning, Energy,  Transport, Industries), public sector units, prominent industries and business institutions, academic institutions,  and think-tanks across the state.  

For more Information, please contact:   

Dr Manish Kumar, CEED, Email:; Ph :7461934182  

Arvind Kumar, CEED, Email;; Ph: 9934370543 

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