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Sustainable mobility necessitates a paradigm shift in which private automobiles and trucking give way to various modes of public transportation. Embracing green technologies, such as clean-fuel electric vehicles, low-carbon fuels, and clean, practical, and affordable mass transit options that do not burden public taxpayers, is critical to make the Indo-Gangetic Plain carbon neutral and sustainable.

Key Focus

CEED focuses on a cohesive approach to creating a green and sustainable mobility framework with research and development support in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. 
CEED’s work is focused on assisting smart cities in achieving their sustainable transportation goals by promoting pedestrian urban infrastructure, Non-Motorized Transportation (NMT), and electric-mobility to the last mile.
CEED promotes research on various models of sustainable mobility such as using bike and pedestrian lanes, electric vehicles, car sharing in order to move towards a climate-resilient transportation system.
CEED has played an important role in facilitating dialogue among various stakeholders on adopting NMT related awareness and wider usage of cleaner fuel based public transport.

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